Hi ,
I have a implementation on reminders scenario on my webpage .It should work like outlook reminders with snooze functionality.i dont no how to starwith it Can any one guide me on this. I am using VS2005 & SQL2005.
Answer 1 :
The delegate is used when you need to access private variables in a method called by an event handler. The bennefit is one javascript that can be attached to multiple elements and each element has its own life cycle and private data.
setTimeout only runs once after a delay miliseconds.
I'm not that great with javascript. I'm great with using the javascript client libraries ( microsoft.ajax.js jquery.js ...) and implementing the ajaxextender control pattern in my own custom controls.
Answer 2:
USe Timer and run it for certain interval .. Store the time in database .for every interval check the time . on time show the pop up..
Or use windows services.
this link has the basic to create a windows service ..
In on_start event you can create a timer which will help to do ur work